Best Practices


  • conda create -n qa-dkrz -c conda-forge -c h-dh qa-dkrz
  • CMIP6 with PrePARE: conda create -n cmor -c conda-forge -c pcmdi cmor
  • run qa-dkrz install [opts] PROJECT-name for downloading/updating required external tables (updating not when frozen).


  • run qa-dkrz -f task-file with the following options contained in a task_file:
      path to the root of the data tree.
      path to results (created by qa-dkrz) containing log information.
      directory name indicating the beginning of the DRS sub-path within the data path. May be omitted, when it equals the name of the project in capital letters. If your data path does not match a DRS pattern, set also LOG_PATH_INDEX and LOG_FILE_INDEX depending on your requirements. This will determine the name of the log-file in QA_RESULTS/check_logs.
    • SELECT
      partitioning of a data directory-tree. Usually starting with the next one behind PROJECT_DATA; regular expressions enabled.
      number of asynchronous, parallel proccesses; each for an atomic variable.
    • EMAIL_SUMMARY=name@site.xy
      a summary of the results are emailed.
    • QA_CONF=PROJECT_qa.conf
      default setting of options for a given project.
  • Before starting to check data, please make sure that the configuration was set as expected by running qa-dkrz [opts] -e_show_conf.
  • Check the selected experiments: qa_DKRZ [opts] -e_show_exp.
  • Try for a single file first and inspect the log-file, i.e. run qa-dkrz [opts -f task-file] -e_next. If accepted, then resume without -e_next.
  • Files having checked before are skipped when they are scheduled again for a check. Use option -e_clear=note for rechecking files causing annotations.
  • Use nohup for long-term execution in the background.
  • If the script is run in the foreground, then command-line option ‘-m’ may be helpful by showing the current file name that .
  • Have a look at the QA results in directory QA_RESULTS/check_logs; annotations are summarised in sub-directory Annotation/experiment-name.json .
  • Manual termination of a session: if an immediate break is required, please inquire the process-id (pid), e.g. by ps -ef | grep qa-dkrz, and execute the command ‘kill -TERM pid’. This will close the current session neatly leaving no remnants and being ready for resumption.

General remarks:

  • Projects taken into account are CORDEX, CMIP5/6, HAPPI.

  • There is a proceeding with tables:

    • QA-DKRZ based tables, which are taken by default, reside in QA-DKRZ/tables/projects/PROJECT. Note that changes would be lost after an update, regardless of whether by conda or git.
    • the default tables as well as external tables are copied to the QA-TABLES path given in HOME/.qa-dkrz/config.txt or asked initially.
    • user-define adjustments have to be placed in QA-TABLES/tables/PROJECT, where PROJECT_DRS_CSV.csv has to be copied entirely and adjusted, while PROJECT_check-list.conf and PROJECT_qa.conf may only contain adjusted statements from the respective default table.
    • all tables required for a particular run are copied to QA_RESULTS/tables. Depending on the QA_RESULT managment, these may be overwriten when changed. The checking program will read from here.
  • If the recommendations above are sufficient for checking your project, you may skipp reading from here.

  • If you would like to check something similar to supported project, then you may try option PROJECT_AS and copy/adjust main-project tables to the user-defined tables.

  • If the machine you’re on does not have the ability to run the code, then you would like to download from GitHub and compile the executables.

  • QA-DKRZ may be used in multi-user and multi-tasking mode. If everybody should use the same configuration, then install --freeze would be an option. Otherwise, each user may have his own HOME/.qa-dkrz/config.txt and external tables.