
Updates of tables are downloaded from external sources by

$ qa-dkrz install [opts] PROJECT-Name

with options:

PROJECT-name (as single parameter)
installation of external tables for the named project. Additionally, compilation of executables for PROJECT, but only for GitHub based installation.
- -force [PROJECT]
Unconditional update. Also required to unlock a frozen state.
- -freeze
Lock current installation; HOME/.qa-dkrz/config.txt is copied to the root directory of QA-DKRZ. This is applied by every user of this particular installation and can not be modified.
- -up [PROJECT]
Updating tables only when there was no update on that day before. The frequency may be prolonged by option --uf=num with num in days.
- -ship
Prepare a working installation for transferring it to internet-free devices. (in preparation)
- -shipped
internet-free installation. (in preparation)