
Running qa-dkrz generates QA results with a few directories.


All results are gathered in this directory.

Besides the log-files containing the check results for all files, summarised results are given in two modes:

  • JSON formatted files and information about atomic time ranges of variables (used by default since 2017).
  • Before then, a less machine readable format, which is still used when new results are written to a directory where files of this format are already present. Also, when option TRADITIONAL_SUMMARY is applied.
Log-files (files: experiment-name.log, YAML format)
Files with applied QA-DKRZ options as preamble followed by entries for every checked file; possibly with annotations. The file name is composed corresponding to options DRS_PATH_BASE and LOG_PATH_INDEX, respectively LOG_FILE_INDEX; see see Configuration.
Annotations (files: experiment-name.json)
Experiment-wide information about check conclusion, DRS structure and annotations if any. Each annotation refers DRS path components, and severeness levels (if any).
Period (files: experiment-name.period in YAML format, time_range.txt)
The time range for each variable. Shorter ranges are marked.

Summary (at present only for


Directories: experiment-name, contained files are human readable)

  • inform about missing variables, if a project defines a set of required ones.
  • file names with a time-range stamp that violates project rules, e.g. overlapping with other files, syntax failure, etc..
  • In fact copies of the tag-files describe below.
a file for each annotation flag found in the corresponding log-file. Annotations include path, file name and variable or experiment scope, respectively, caption, impact level, and the tag from one of the check-list tables.
cs_table (only when option CHECKSUM is enabled)
Check sums of files; for the verification that no old file is sold as new.
internal usage
internal usage
The tables actually used for the run and if option PT_PATH_INDEX is set, then also for the consistency table generated during a check.